Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

Ninja Owl

Today's theme is: Looking Down

So I spent a lot of today looking down at the ground trying to find something to photograph.

I also took a photo of my son looking down. I took a photo of a cup of juice looking down through a toilet tube holder. I took a few photos from the top of Asda carpark. I took a photo looking down the radiator. I took a photo looking down the inside of my flute. Nothing I liked

So on my ventures up to the orthodontist I looked down as I was walking. What a lot of rubbish is on the streets around the hospital! But this definitely caught my eye.

It is a discarded pizza box that as soon as I saw it, I thought it looked like a ninja owl..wearing a mask with a wing up beside it's head, tail down the bottom...can you see it?

So this is the best I can do with a looking down theme

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