what we did today...

By SarnieV


Every week C has to do a timed times tables at school. Today he's come home very chuffed to have achieved the 3 minutes zone. His next target is 2 minutes. We spent some time this week trying to help him remember 3x8, 4x8 and 4x7 ...little by little he's learning them. It's great when you've helped them realise that they can achieve things.

I've just sat down after a crazy day - headed into Edinburgh to drop off paintings at the publishers, collect stickers from the shop, drop off labels to my manufacturer, nip to Ikea to get some frames and arrive back just in time to collect the boys at 12.40. Then pancakes for lunch as I forgot to get bread, the boys helped vac the kitchen, hang up the washing and put out recycling, I made a lasagne while they played starwars. Then we dashed to the library for a class that was on last week! Doh! So we all went swimming until C's rookies class. I took D home to feed him, then it was back to collect C and drop him at cricket training and then drop D at gymnastics. Home for a quick cuppa then out again to collect C, back to feed him then out to get D. Then it was supper, story and bed. Phew! Now I can put my feet up with a cup of hot chocolate!

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