Life on the edge...

By bru22


I was in Aberdeen today to pick up a few last minute bits and pieces for the tour. I leave tomorrow! I can't believe how quickly it has come round! I'm not even the slightest bit ready. Have given myself a sore head :-/ Had a big shop in Boots and Primark...

...I also maybe, just maybe, went on a date... :-D... Trust me, the day before I have to leave!!! Ah well, anything worth having doesn't come easy...

...which has made leaving a tiny little bit harder... Thank goodness for phones, email and Skype! Oh and Blipfoto... We were walking back towards my car after a coffee this afternoon before we went our seperate ways when X mentioned I should keep a diary or something of "day 1 in the tour band bus" and make a note as things happen. I said... "have you heard of Blipfoto" which she had, although she isn't a Blipper yet to which I then realised I didn't have a blip for today... That's when this man appeared on the pavement outside Haigs! We both laughed, we decided he should be my Blip for today :-)

So here he is! Incase it is too small to read the sign says...

""Fit like my name is "Donald far's yir heid & yir shoes" please come in and visit our lovely store, ran by local people with a fantastic butchery and bakery... P.s we all like a laugh !"

P.s - X made a guilty admission that yesterday she downloaded said song!!!! (see yesterday's blip) - HAHAHAHAHA... I will convert her into a Barry fan yet! ;-)

"What's meant to be will always find a way." Trisha Yearwood

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