Just desserts

I blew away some rather heavy cobwebs resulting from last night's entertainment with a three mile run through Cambridge, this morning. I can't say I enjoyed the first mile very much but by the time I was back at the hotel, I was glad I went. 

After breakfast, we headed out across Jesus Green into town for a bit more breakfast - the hotel's was a little lacking - and a mooch about, taking in a couple of museums and the Mathematical Bridge, before returning our attention to Bob's list of pubs that needed visiting. 

In the evening we went to a Japanese restaurant, which was absolutely amazing and justifiably expensive. We were umming and ahhing about whether we would have dessert when one of us - Ash, I think - spotted that we could have a taster of every dessert on the menu for thirty quid. My reservations about the liquorice crème brûlée were unfounded and it was all excellent.

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