munchie and Wom

By emilyf

Me sleepy? Never!

First day at nursery today
Only two hours and I was able (allowed) to stay with her. Because of getting there for nine, morning sleep was only 20 minutes (usually about 45-60 minutes) she didn't sleep in the car there (25 minute drive, it's 2 minutes from school so fab during terms) because I think she knew something was up. Nursery were fab, so welcoming and kind. Charlotte explored her new surroundings, constantly checking on where I was, but happy to independently explore. The only tears were just before we left and I'm sure that was tiredness more than anything else. We set off home by 11:10, home by 11:30, she slept for the entire journey, I got the car seat out of the car and into the house, still she didn't stir, I carried her up to bed, put her in her cot and still no stirring. She slept until 1:30 in exactly the same position, hence one red check.
Wednesday will be a challenge, stay for ten minutes then leave her for one hour and a half! Dreading it.

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