
By fincheg

Blue Moon

So today has been an enforced rest day. Yesterday I did the 7.15am Body Pump class followed by a short 3km on the treadmill.

I planned to go to Body Pump this morning but I woke up with really bad Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I literally felt like I had been hit by a bus and getting downstairs was not for winners this morning!

I suspect this was as a result of the exercises I was doing with my trainer on Thursday combined with a slightly modified abs track from morning pump.

Anyway, exercise wasn't for me this morning.

I've been up to Manchester today, as a massive, life long City fan I try to get up to the Etihad as often as I can. Everton today, a frustrating match, my first one of the season.

I still managed to chalk up 9,000 steps today so pretty happy. Still stiff as a board mind!

273 days to go!

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