Play of Light

Quite awhile ago I used Shutterfly to create a 10 inch square book of my paintings. I have been meaning to blip it. This evening I realized I had no photos for the day so I did some quick grab shots of the cover and one of the pages of the book with portraits of me and Arvin. They are not great technically but I think you can get an idea of what the book looks like.

Today there was supposed to be a really huge storm heading this way. My brother Dave called and proposed we go to a restaurant with windows toward water to watch it blow in. we agreed and all met at Anthony's Hearthfire for lunch at 12:30. Meanwhile the forecast kept getting later and later. We had a lovely lunch together. No storm. We drove to our house to play Mexican Train dominos. No storm. There was a bit of an increase in the wind but nothing like the wind yesterday. Finally Dave and Nora headed home and dropped Helena off on the way. Steve stayed for another game and then he walked home. It was raining but not hard enough to keep him from walking. Arvin and I watched TV and heard a bit of wind rattle, but nothing like the storm was supposed to be. Can't say I mind because there were all kinds of wind and flood warnings. I can quite do without that. Seems that quite a bit of damage happened throughout the northwest during yesterday's storm. No need for any more damage. I hope my northwest friends did not have any serious damage during yesterday's storm. We didn't and all is fine here.

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