Last morning...

...of seeing this view when I open the blinds in my hotel room. Last day of conference and home this evening.

Busy old morning right enough issuing and entering ballot papers, delivering a seminar, arranging assessment interviews...three of them all happening simultaneously at one point. Kept me busy:-)

I did manage to get in the auditorium, albeit in the gods, to hear Nicola Sturgeon deliver one of, if not the, most impressive conference addresses I've ever witnessed and I've witnessed a fair few. It was policy rich with policies and initiatives that I am proud that my Party in Government are pursuing, particularly a "root and branch review" of the care system in Scotland to ensure that looked after children in Scotland have a better experience of life growing up and brighter futures. I've linked to the full text of Nicola's speech above which is certainly worth a read but if your short on time there are the key points and announcements.

And now I am home back with Mr R, the Barmy Army, the crazy Weim and the chilled out cat. With boys jostling for a position on the sofa to sit next to me. Well two boys one is permanently glued to a screen with earphones on! And I jostle for the daughters attention :-)

Did my traditional post conference routine...walk in house, walk upstairs, dump bag, get in pj's take up residence on sofa. Mr R had made his legendary Ratatouille for tea, wee glass of red wine, fire on, film on, after the marathon that Strictly Come Dancing is at this time of year!

Grateful to be back home again with family and grateful to SNP family who stopped me over the last few days for a hug and some kind words, so very much appreciated. Thank-you. xx

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