Life with Alice

By elirin

Looking Our Best

Finally I got to go walkies WITH Nellie today! Mum says "Nellie" when we're still inside, and I go nuts and start whining and doing everything I can to get to Nellie's house as soon as possible! It was kind of chilly, so I wore my new striped jumper and Nellie her warm winter coat.

We went to a different forest, I am not sure I have been I these parts of it before. Since it was a very windy day, it was a good choice. It smelled of earth and leaves and pine trees, and there were new scents everywhere along the trail. I must say Nellie is getting the hang of posing. She did well today. We had a good time together with our mums.

Speaking of mums. You won't believe what MY mum did today. She stopped and filled up the car with petrol on her way back from the food store. When she went inside to pay, her card was gone! Mum!! Everything went well in the end, but still!

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