This was soo impressive .....
..... last night I just had to share it.
It was edited this morning so guess it will count!!!!
These clouds were rolling so fast and with the light of the early moon behind them it was a magnificent sight.
I went to see Rosemary today only to find the district nurse and dr were with her doing " tests " ? what for! As I was told they would be a long time, it really wasn't plausible for me to stay. But apparently there's no change in her health.
I came home and managed to do a bit in the garden, which deluded me yesterday, so it's a bit tidier now that the fallen leaves have been swept up.
At the moment the sun is out and it doesn't feel cold, expect that will change latter
Happy .... to have got my little daffodil bulbs in along the path, disappointed I didn't see Rosemary .
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