Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Female Chaffinch

A dull day working from home and I was really lacking motivation, and that's not like me at all.
So after lunch I decided to take a break for a couple of hours and went over to Penny Flash to dodge the showers and watch the birds.
The light was quite dull, and it's quite dark at Bunting Hide anyway, but I quite liked this image of a female chaffinch having her turn on the bird table. More often than not they are chased away by the other birds and end up scrabbling around on the floor.

I have finally caught up on all of your journals, I think - they have been so interesting and there have been some spectacular shots. The problem with catching up is that you run out of hearts too quickly, so apologies to lots of people who didn't get hearts this time.

And finally, thank you all SO much for your kind comments, hearts and stars for yesterday's anniversary shot - they are all so much appreciated.

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