
By bananablip

The morning after...

Both my mind and my body thought it was definitely time for a day off today. Unfortunately my work schedule said otherwise. Today we launched our chaplaincy project at Shrewsbury College with a week of events focused around One World week. Today we had the Fair Trade guys as guests which was a great start, especially since they were giving out free chocolate samples. I'd always thought Shrewsbury folk were quite down with Fair Trade but according to Meriel, there are plenty of folk who think that we should be 'looking after our own' and a Brexit mentality has led to some interesting discussions. Unsurprisingly, she said that children usually cotton on pretty quickly to the concept, and seem to have a better understanding of 'fair'. The college folk got involved today, although I'm always surprised at the number of college students refusing free chocolate. Shrewsbury's ex-mayor turned up, as part of the Fair Trade team, and despite the fact that I had only just met him, told me a few inappropriate and mildly offensive jokes. Goodness knows how he got on as mayor.

My downstairs neighbour of three and a half years (we moved in on the same weekend) is moving in a couple of days so we went out for a pint in the Nag's Head after work to say farewell.

In other news, I'm aching.

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