what we did today...

By SarnieV

Tim Peake

You can see the excitement in C's face here - he had just met Tim Peake and got him to sign his phone cover as he had nothing else with him to have signed! A was helping a colleague from work at The Dynamic Earth and C went along to help. Nice to get a perk if the job sometimes!
D and I went to see the private lives of pets which was funny and cute. D loved it.
We all met for lunch at Macdonald's - gone are the days of meeting in posh cafes - macDs is cheap and deemed a treat to a 7 & 10 year old.
They spent the afternoon playing table football while A painted 'the shelves' and I headed to IKEA to get shelves and picture frames.
Now the fire is lit, hot choc is made, snacks are ready...lets find a film to watch!

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