A Bear with Breeks

You must have known I wouldn't stop at one bear. There was the wool to use up at the very least, but 'sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof' and I am now over bears.
Of course there is still the rabbit wool to use up, but that can wait. Anyway I prefer bears. I am starting a jumper for myself today so my fingers will be otherwise engaged for a few weeks.
I just hope Poppy in Orkney doesn't come up with any more irresistible knitting ideas.

I smiled at a letter I received this morning from the M&S bank where I put in a paltry amount every month, (and I mean paltry). It appears that I am 69 pence overdrawn on my account after they magnanimously paid the transaction which caused the overdraft. The first class mail stamp on their letter would probably be the same amount and in fact I knew about being overdrawn and had banked another paltry sum to take me out of the red. As long as it keeps someone in a job,I have no complaints.

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