Life In Wales

By KarenC

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing??

Well, no, obviously it's a Horse in Zebra's clothing! How bizarre!

It's just a month since we lost my Dad, and my Mum has arrived today from England to spend a week with us. She travelled on the Eurostar, so I went to pick her up from Brussels Midi station.

Anyway, while I was waiting for her, I noticed this Zebra Horse Zebra sat at one of the cafës. I don't really know what his purpose is - well I suppose he's there to attract people over to have a look, and then they'll sit and have a drink.

I think he's pretty cool, and chose this over my other photos - hope you like him!

I can't believe that today is my six month anniversary on blip - where has that time gone? I've loved every minute of being part of the blip community and have met some really nice friends - here's to the next six months!

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