Guitar mechanic

It’s not often you meet someone who is truly laid back but my son, Dan, certainly fits that description. It’s not that he doesn’t care or get fussed about things, it just seems like he doesn’t. Most of the time, he doesn’t seem to take any interest in what’s happening around him although occasionally he’ll suddenly say “Wait!” and then ask you to repeat something you said a while ago.

He does have one interest and that is playing the guitar (although it’s true that he’s a good pianist and a more than serviceable drummer). He spends hours playing along with YouTube and such is the muscle memory that he’s built up that even walking up the stairs with his guitar he can absentmindedly play riffs that I know I will never get near.

This weekend, he decided to renovate Charlie’s old guitar. Here he is busy dismantling it, cleaning out the gunk and later he spent a considerable amount of time getting the old strings out. It was unusual to see him devoting himself for so long to a task that wasn’t actually playing the guitar; he ‘phones in’ most things, including his homework (although he seems to be doing surprisingly well at school). 

I don’t know why I was so surprised - it was, after all guitar related - but even so, I enjoyed seeing him so focussed and toiling away. 

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