King's College Chapel.

Set in the lawn of the Front Court is a fountain, surmounted by a statue of Henry VI, the boy king, above the symbolic figures of Religion and Learning. On the left of the Chapel is  the South Porch but the main entrance is on the North Porch. The young King Henry VI laid the foundation stone of the college on Passion Sunday 1441. He drew up elaborate plans for a Great Court, but only the Chapel was ever finished and even that took nearly a century, with interruption during the Wars Of The Roses (1455-1485) This accounts for changes in the external stone colouring in some parts, from white magnesium limestone to buff coloured oolitic limestone. After Henry VI's murder in the Tower Of London, 1471, the Chapel was completed by the patronage of subsequent kings. A truly beautiful building, inside and out. The extra is Graduation day, waiting on King's Parade, to enter the Senate House. Although the Senate House is not open to the general public, I was invited in recently with the camera club I belong to on a special Open Day, which is in my journal.

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