wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Mini blip meet

Today I had the pleasure of meeting another blipper. A special blipper. Kelso and her very nice husband Mr. K.
We felt like old friends. Well I guess we are. This blip is an amazing thing! We share our lives, the good days and the bad days. The births, deaths, weddings and even a successful baking project.
A couple of weeks ago JohnRH came over from England. It amazes me how I have met so many awesome people and know about their lives. We talk like old friends when we meet. Because we are.
Today was special. I felt like I had known Kelso ( I don't know if you use your real name or not on Blip) for ever. We laughed, cried a bit (oh yes teared up over pet deaths.!) and pondered the reality of a hawk dropping a chicken into a window.........in Maine.
Now, that's a story!
To all of you out there, make a blip meet date and meet your friends. It's rewarding and special.
Tomorrow sister brunch. You will see me two days in a row!
Good morning down under and good night to the north!

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