Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Early start to go to Cani-sport again. Met the group at Vogrie park and had a nice run. Took Kilda 2K to start to run in front. Beginning to believe she isn’t a morning dog. Might have to start to do a warm up with her before we set off. J headed off to go for a swim at Portie. She didn’t manage to find the people she arranged to meet till after the swim for some reason. Headed up town to get my eyes checked. My arms haven’t been long enough for a while now and I couldn’t put it off any longer. Distance vision is good 20/20 but I need reading glasses. Happens to us all in the end. My pick for the Great British Bake off is in the final. With this in mind I collected a few things from Lakeland. The people at work who have a finalists have to bake in the next couple of weeks and we are expected to make something a bit special. While J was swimming our new dog walking torch arrived. Now the nights are dark we needed something a lot better. Took Kilda for a short walk to test it out, very pleased. Watched qualifying for the GP and then strictly after a nice tea. Here is the torch lighting up a bottle of cake release that I think I will need with my new cake tins.

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