a new year!

By Thesalh70

Mackerel in the sky, three days dry

Gorgeous mackerel sky this morning, had to take a picture of it.

Enjoying the school holidays and the extra time and easier journey it gives me each morning. Enjoyed breakfast outside, was lovely and warm, and you just don't know when the weather is going to change.

Into work but then off out with rach on an appointment which lasted most of the day. Still, as we returned up the m1, we had the roof down and the wind in our hair!

Got back in at 3, then homeward bound after 5. Gym tonight, and 40 min run, 30 min cycle, then a few exercises.

Saw Mand at the gym, meeting her buddies before she emigrates to IOM with prince tomorrow. Sad day tomorrow, but an exciting adventure awaits for them...

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