I took the lift to see the view from the 20th floor of the Beetham Tower (the tall building in the background in yesterday's blip) The tower is the tallest building outside London in Britain but there are plans to build four others nearby of which I think two or three will be taller. It has 47 floors with the top 24 being apartments so the views from them must be tremendous. Even from the 20th floor it was possible to see the Pennines and the distant Welsh mountains.
I chose this view looking towards yesterday's location as it shows many different shapes of buildings. The magnificent Victorian buildings are dwarfed by the modern ones but attempts are being made to transform many to modern day usage. The former Central Station in the foreground is now a conference centre and the Goods warehouse is being transformed to shops, offices and apartments. Just below is a large cinema and even after midnight the traffic seemed busier than during daytime and the whole area seemed vibrant with people enjoying themselves especially round Albert Square where men in lederhosen were evidence of the Octoberfest celebrations.

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