
By cowgirl

A pair of pear jams

Inbetween horsey jobs I was going to do some more painting. I don't have a key to get into the flats, but there were supposed to be some workmen there, so the door should have been open. No workmen, no key, no painting! I called my friend to tell her - she wasn't impressed that the men hadn't turned up!

Back home, I decided to make some jam with the pears Sav brought home last week. I'd already made the pear and cinnamon jam, so I chose a pear and almond recipe ( or rather, I adapted an apricot and almond recipe! ). I'll give it a couple of weeks before I open a jar, but the initial tasting whilst it was still warm, was good.

For lunch I had the pear and cinnamon jam, which is quite subtle, with Brie on toast. Then it was off to work again. Richard returned from Germany whilst I was there. His mum and I are pleased - less haylage feeds for us to deal with. As a bonus, he hasn't bought a new horse this time!

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