Morning Has Broken

Spent the morning on the allotment and then called on Friend - but she was stuck on the toilet so I left and went back a little later whilst her daughter went out for a while. This time she was in the bath - the only place she feels a little less pain. So I sat on the bathroom floor and we chatted, then Vegan Jo arrived and joined us. I left to do the bedtime with the girls and bumped into Jo as I was driving out the village. We were both struck by how well friend was, and I realised   how ones perspective can be changed by circumstances. This is Friends "normal" now and we adjust accordingly, She was awake, talking about current events, how good was that? We had to do a reality check and recognise that talking to her whilst she lay in the bath was not good.
I do feel so much better having now established that it is fine to just call in on Friend as I used to. I knew I was down but hadn't realised how down I  was until today when my anxiety and worry were gone. I am now back to my "normal" - which of course is also anything but  normal, but is my normal for now.  

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