
I had a needle stuck in me today!!! 

It was a training day today and our newly merged 'one big team' all got together for the first time. I have to say it was a positive day and we all enjoyed it. We all felt positive about where we are heading by the end of the day and it is now a case of management doing what they promise and us doing what we need to do. 

In between the workshops those who had opted for a flu jab were stabbed. It flippin' hurt too! In fact, it is still tender :(

Someone had brought in cookies and crisps and a couple of tins of sweets....I was very good and not one thing was consumed by me, I feel quite pleased with myself. Actually, I have lost a bit of weight now and can get in my smaller sized clothes....hurrah. (There is still a long way to go though).

Now I need to book a train for a jolly jaunt I have planned....happy days :)

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