Lost my sparkle

Oh blimey, what a day!! I have spent most of it driving, well it certainly felt like it anyway. I was an allocated driver today so I drove into town. I helped to reload the two lorries as all the cages had come off the day before for equipment testing. I felt like I'd done a days work by then.

I then drove to Oswaldtwistle which takes about an hour. When we arrived there was a decorator painting the ceiling! Well that was that, we couldn't work there so the session had to be cancelled. I then drove back to base...another hour....and picked up a bit of equipment to take in my car out to the session at Prestwich where the other team were working. The traffic leaving town was horrific by then and it took me another hour.

On the plus side I will be paid for being a driver today and I didn't have to go back to base at the end of the night and so I was home within fifteen minutes. 

I am absolutely shattered now and I've had a headache all evening, I hope tomorrow goes more smoothly!

With all the driving I didn't get to take any pics today. The house smells of fireworks as I decided to wave a sparkler around for a photo...probably not the best idea to light one in the house!

There are Hallowe'en things going on in Manchester on Saturday. There is a giant robotic spider amongst other things and I thought i would go into town to take some pics. It is all happening between 12 and 5pm....just in case anyone fancies meeting up. 

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