Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Could it be magic?

The dog has been ill for 2 weeks now - vomiting, diarrohea, shaking, not eating, dull eyes, etc.  Been to the Vet 3 times, spent well over £150 on medicines and tests.  Yesterday I was told to come home and throw away all his chews and treats, and start feeding him Chappie dogfood (yeah, that Chappie that your Granny gave her dog, and which stinks of fish).  My vet told me it is what she feeds her 4 dogs on, and that it really is developed with vets, and is mild on the tummy. 
    So, the Rockster is now on a month of Chicken and Rice Chappie, with no treats in between meals.  And I have also temporarily banned him from going down the garden to where there are mushrooms growing in the grass, as I was worried he may have eaten some.
    Don't know which has effected a cure, but he seems to be much better today than for the last fortnight. 
    Fingers crossed!

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