On the wings of time!

By sabrina

Independant State...

14th August might be a normal date in the World's calendar, but for us Pakistani's, its always been a day to be proud and celebrations. Today is the 65th Independence Day in Pakistan. I have moved away from my country now, not in heart tho. Its the place where I grew up, saw dreams, fulfilled them. It taught me life's greatest lesson and made me strong as well.

I could not be the change I wanted to see. But I would always pray for one. Sadly enough, we need a miracle for our country now. Pakistan is in its devastating state right now. No food? No electricity? No hope? Just terrorism, suicidal bombings, assault, religious differences, racialism. Rich, Richer... Poor, Poorer. The fault, as Cassius famously said, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.

Now, just close your eyes and imagine that there is no escape. Imagine that you are trying to run from your tormentor, but suddenly you realise that your legs have been chopped off. You drag your torso across the ground frantically, but there is just no escape. If one belongs to minority in Pakistan, if one is non-Muslim or declared as "non-Muslim", then Pakistani Mullahism, and majority of Muslims have you cornered and is ready to pounce. Can you even imagine living like this all day and all night with no hope of respite? If you are a minority in Pakistan, then the answer, most definitely, is "Yes".

Not the country, but the people, are still bound with thoughts of caste, color, creed, race, religion and on top of that pathans, punjabis, shias and sunnis!!

Yes we are free and we are great spectators!

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