
Today I had a meet up with some of the staff that I taught with at my first school in the 1970's plus the husband of one of them. 
It was great catching up with the news and reminiscing about past times. 

We had a pub lunch and most of us chose fish and chips with mushy peas. The mushy peas were a vague smear under the narrow tower of fish and chips which was a bit of a disappointment. As peas must be one of the cheapest items to produce, I'd have expected a bit more than a small spoonful!

The lady that arranged it had omitted to ask when the pub closed which happened to be 2.00pm. As two had got lost and arrived late ,we only had a short time to eat as they were keen to get us out. We spent quite a while chatting in the car park where this photo was taken, luckily it was dry and mild! 

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