Snail's Pace...

...that's been my speed today! Done a LOT of walking. Broke my journey home from the morning school walk, by stopping at Thea's for a green tea and natter... She and Rudy leave the island next week, was so odd to see their flat pretty much empty. 
Then later in the morning I walked to swimming, helped the kids get into their kit...they've all been bitten horrendously by mosquitoes - looked like a chicken pox party! It made me feel better about Asha, I thought she was the only one going round covered in bites...poor thing(s).

Then a loooong a slow walk home with a very tired Asha...though the promise of an afternoon with Rudy perked her up! Thea & I enjoyed much hilarity with my sister via WhatsApp... When Hannah meets people she sees them as animals...Thea wanted to know what she was...she was pleased with Hannah's pronouncement of antelope... I'm a flipping rabbit!!!!!!! We asked the kids what they thought they were...Rudy = Lion. Asha = Butterfly.
What would you be?!

Today I'm grateful for ;
1) A good time with Asha on the walk to school...non stop nattering from her. I love that she chats to me. Long may it last!!
2) A really good time with some of the Mom's at swimming...some lovely conversation whilst we watched the kids thrash about in the water. 
3) Thea laughing til she cried.

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