Is it really the end of October!!

I’ve moaned all summer about the lack of butterflies and today this beauty spent about 5 minutes on the Hebe which is flowering for a second time this year, the first being in June/July. I even had time to go into the house and retrieve the camera!!
R & B returned home from London, having seen day 3 of the 6 Day Series (track cycling) at the Olympic Stadium last night. I’ve heard all about their trip and we are now watching Day 4 on the TV tonight. Such excitement!! I think a trip might be on for all of us next year.
The girls were good last night and waited for me to wake at 8am, without any protests. We did our morning walk at about 9am and met up with other dogs (and owners), it’s getting quite sociable!!
R is staying over with the girls, so we have had loads of time to chat and catch up on the news and get things organised :0)

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