Diary of a hungry woman

Confession #1: I woke up a bit blue this morning. After a week of spending time with some of the best humans I know, it was a bit of a shock to be back in an empty flat.

Confession #2: Sadness quickly turned to sheer elation when I realised that I've got a whole week of cooking for myself ahead. Cue breakfast in bed, poring over recipe books and writing lists of ingredients. Every cloud...

I had to be in the office today, which seemed totally strange on a Saturday. Thankfully, I managed to get a good chunk of work done and it also gave me chance to catch up with Matt and Ellie and I even had a surprise visit from an ex-student back from their first half-semester at uni. Today I was mostly wrestling with a study on a Christian response to Transgenderism for our Sixth Form group. I'm so thankful that Andy is so good at the really deep theological stuff, leaving me to deal with the ethics side of things. Nervously looking forward to the study and hoping that we can learn to disagree well, if we need to disagree at all. Clinging on to a bit of Augustine: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

In other news, I think I might be falling in love with Autumn. Not sure if it's the unseasonably mild weather or the unadulterated joy of stepping through crisp, golden leaves or simply having a new hair cut that allows for beanies. Whatever it is, I love it.

Dinner tonight: Hugh's Fish with coconut curried leeks. I can't even explain how good it was. I want to marry Hugh and live with him forever.

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