Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ


Oh dear, way too much wine last night. My head hurt this morning. I haven't had a hangover for years and forgot how awful it is! The kittens woke me up at 8:30 and their purring was so loud. I didn't actually get out of bed though till 10:30 when I decided a sausage sandwich and paracetamol was needed.

I was still feeling rough at lunch time and mr J's brother came to the rescue with a Big Mac meal and banana milkshake. Diet will have to be restarted tomorrow!

This afternoon we went to G&G 's to collect the kiddies. They had a fab time visiting great aunty Sheena and her litter of puppies and going for a walk on the marsh to find King Johns treasure.

Disaster struck this evening when we got home to a poorly kitten. Little Mac had either been sick or pooped all over the cat bed and himself. He was a sorry sight. As he was so smelly I had to give him a bath in the sink which he wasn't too pleased about. All he's wanted since the kiddies have gone to bed is to curl up on me. Bless him hope it's just a one off.

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