
As I dug the garden this afternoon the unmistakable sound of a hot air balloon caught my attention.  I looked up and saw five balloons passing overhead.  I thought this one with its patchwork of colours was particularly attractive.

A day of sorting myself out.  I spent the morning doing cooking of stew, hummus and perhaps most exciting - yoghurt!  In Mallorca we had some really tasty homemade yoghurts at the hotel we stayed in. So, we are attempting to make some of our own now we are home.  I think is going to be one of those things which it takes a bit of trial and error before you get it how you like it.

This afternoon, as well as digging over the front garden, I went to the alloment and cut back some of the grass which has got rather long over the past month or so of neglect!  I also pulled up the courgettes and squashes as it is too cold for them to produce any more fruit and I pulled up the French beans.  I have managed to save some of the dried  up bean pods that were left on the plants in the hope I can use them to grow next year's beans.

I hope you have all day a good Saturday.

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