
The yoghurt I made yesterday turned out well.  Thick and creamy and mild.  I had a pot for breakfast and it was delicious.  I will have to be careful not to get addicted!

This morning I took advantage of the clocks going back, using the extra hour to do some organising of the photographs I took of our time in Mallorca.  It feels good to have them in order.  Then I went to the allotment to continue the tidying up that I had started yesterday.  I cut more grass and dug over most of the beds.  Some had got quite overgrown as it is sometime since I have done any weeding!  There is a little more to do but I am pleased with the progress I made. 

After chicken stew for lunch I popped down to the local town to buy some food and have a quick look in the shops.  However after a gloomy morning, the sun appeared and it was far too nice to be shopping so I came home and went for a walk to catch low rays of autumn light across the trees and fields.  The light was fading fast as I returned home at 5pm.  This evening I have been catching up with family on the phone.  Its been a real pleasure to be able to spent time at home and at the allotment this weekend.

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