Its Pizza Time!

A busy morning at work that involved a serious lack of communication - not mine I hasten to add but managed to work it in my favour so not so bad after all.

Mr W and I were knackered this afternoon so we actually went for a Nanna Nap! I can't remember the last time we did that but he nudged me for snoring so I obviously needed it!

My lovely friend Penny came over in the evening and because I spent too long sleeping, I didn't get any cooking done so take away Pizza it was! The great things about Penny is she so's relaxed and easy going, she settles for anything and feels quite at home laid out on our sofas! We tried our local Pizza Hut delivery service for the first time and I have to say it was delicious!

And I still couldn't wait to get back to bed. Just so tired at the moment. Perhaps its time I was a real live Nanna. Come on kids, get a move on!!

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