Racists and croissants

You know how certain things bob up on Facebook now and again? Twice now I've seen this petition to Theresa May to "ban halal slaughter in the UK". It's drivel. But worse, it's inaccurate drivel that serves only to foster division in this country that is way too proud of itself.

Both times I've seen friends post it, I've commented to point out that it's factually incorrect and that maybe there's a deeper agenda behind it. You know, I've no problem with people objecting to animals being killed except when it's a Trojan horse for racism (albeit cultural). 

Amongst the responses I received today - not from my friend I hasten to add - I was told my comment was "ill-informed and ignorant" and that I was a "PC pratt" and that because of me "we are having to indulge the barbaric practices of Muslims". Swap "Muslims" for "Jews" and suddenly it's not that hard to see how Hitler got himself elected. 

It depresses me, this hatred masked as protecting "English culture" (another quote from this afternoon). Islam may never have been the formal religion of Britain but there have been Muslims here for centuries. They are part of English culture, whatever that actually means. I do believe that there is good in everyone - or 99.99% of people, anyway - but our media is like an intellectual cancer. Orwell's "two minutes hate" is here in the form of the tabloid press and its fuel is fear. It's turned us into a nation of prejudiced pricks.

Frankly, the whole business made me angry, irritated and, as I've said, a little depressed. 

And then my friend Shelagh posted this:

"I am going to our new LIDL and I literally could not be more excited. Guess how much a croissant is in LIDL. Go on, guess. You'll never guess. Twenty nine pence! That's how much. Amazing. Thrilled to the knickers with the whole thing."

And that's when I remembered how many very lovely and funny people there are also to be found in this world and that maybe if I just enjoyed them and ignored the sour, sanctimonious racists, then even if that didn't make the world a better place, it  would certainly cheer mine up.

post script I'm sure you won't be concerned about me but let me just be clear that I gave far better than I got in the exchanges with the racists. 

post post script Today's photo is me developing my Alan Moore look. I might not stick with it, I'm just giving it a go.

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