Art Appreciation

Today was the first week of a short 'Art Appreciation' course at the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal.  Really enjoyed it and both tutor and other group members were very enthusiastic.

The tutor had brought in a selection of about 250 small items which were covered on a table.  From this we each had to choose 5 and then talk to the group about them explaining what they meant to us and why and how we had selected them.  It was a  good way of getting to know each other and in some cases it revealed a lot abut what people were feeling and what made them tick.  So interesting to see different approaches and why people had chosen particular things - what they represented for them.  

The tutor explained that artists can work in similar ways choosing colours, textures and things they feel strongly about as a basis for their work.

My 5 things are in extras.  They represented something quite personal to me:


Transparency - memories of childhood, lots of them in our house and my interest in photography

Whisk - love of cooking and like the shape

Liberty bear - love the store and their wonderfully colourful prints

Eye Mask - our forthcoming long flights to New Zealand

Cinnamon - love the texture and smell of this when cooking with it.

Oh and there were a lovely string of 'pearls' which were very pretty - but someone else beat me to them!

Great session.  Looking forward to next week.

From there we went to Low Sizergh Barn for a cheeky scone and cup of tea and then a quick look around the grounds at Sizergh Castle.  Lovely autumnal colours.

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