Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Under construction. I was calling it Fortress Felix but that felt a bit negative. Felixhaven however sounds like a cross between Felixstowe and Newhaven. Someone did suggest Catmandu but we have no mountains here. Purrjery is, I suppose an option. Homage to Catalonia for those of a literary bent.  If you can think of anything better let me know. 

This is the idea. The guys turned up smiley and bright this morning, eager to get stuck in, having driven all the way down from Stoke (on Trent - not Newington - that would have been too easy). Unfortunately they were a day early due to an administrative error. No problem, I changed my working at home day, showed them the kettle and left them to it. They are staying locally tonight and coming back to finish the job tomorrow.

Are we cat obsessed? Undeniably. Will it work? I bloody well hope so. Will it change our lives? Again, I hope so, and I hope the cats psychological adjustment is swift and sure as well. It is, like most things in life, a compromise. Freedom curtailed in favour of safety and a reduction in anxiety. We have had too many cat traumas down the years, such as:

Dylan getting stuck up a tree on his first day out as a kitten
Tigger going missing
Scout getting infected after a fight with another cat
Scout going missing for two weeks
Scout and Monty getting injured on the same day
Monty being treated by Supervet
Scout having a leg amputated
Dylan getting locked in the laundry
Dylan having a lump taken out of his ear in a fight
Dylan nearly getting himself killed after being hit by a car

That's without even blipping Tigger's pancreatitis, Monty's ears needing surgery, Monty's suspected heart problem, Scout's dental problems needing steroids, and Dylan getting stuck up another tree earlier this year...Plus numerous evenings when they stayed out later than they should have, like teenagers.

Anyway ... Maybe tomorrow is the start of a new era ...

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