Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Fellowship of the Knot

I mean knotweed. Which we had a lot of to bag up today in preparation for Operation Felixhaven on Tuesday. More to come on that later in the week ...

The Fellowship Of The Knot had an amazingly productive day of garden clearing, dump running, clothes washing etc and all this on the back of a broken night (cats don't get the transition twice a year around BST / GMT; they just moan).  However being up at 4.30 in the morning with a bunch of hungry cats did have its advantages, namely that I got to Facetime The Girl Racer in Canada. She  was hugely pleased at getting a temp supervisor role out on the ski slopes in Western Canada, but I'm not suprised; she's a natural manager and leader.

Very sociable day on the street - everyone was out doing their fronts and we got to speak to most of our neighbours. Also had the lovely little flock of coal tits in the apple tree again.

Had a takeaway tonight but we're all shattered; there was some seriously heavy and focused work going on today....

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