Japanese Maple

My calf has been playing up again so I'm walking instead of running. I saw features and familiar aspects differently on my route early evening. I definitely see things differently depending on whether I'm walking, running, biking, or in a car.

These are new maple leaves back lit by the sun and looking pleasing with the bokeh going on in the background. They look autumnal but they're definitely the new growth of spring.

Today was day 1 of the 3 day conference my work is hosting. I was at work at 6.30am and yes I've wiltered now. Tomorrow won't be as early. It's full-on and inspiring as conferences tend to be. My role has me running around doing stuff so I'm not always present.

The Earthquake Commission is silent. It's supposedly only 8 days until the packers arrive, and 9 days until I shift out. I guess they have to decide whether they pay for my shifting out expenses soon-ish.

They're outrageous and that's all I'm going to say.

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