Cat Wood

A day of two seasons. The morning was a real November one - chilly North wind and no sign of the sun.  The afternoon was a throwback to yesterday and bright sunny and calm.

On the morning walk to Mossy Lea Farm despite the high winds I saw ome good flocks of birds Fieldfare and Starling are regualars at this time of year but the 19 Lapwings I saw flying over were a little unexpected.

I met my neighbours walking their dog in Shire Hill Wood and I got them up to date with my news. They are always helpful and supportive - I'm lucky with neighbours.

In the afternoon I  just managed to get in position in time for the light on Cat Wood to show off the colours just as shadows from Wimberry Hill Beeches creeping into the foreground.  2 minutes later and the light had gone. (Extra photo - is just to the right of this one, a view to Bleaklow across Laneside farm)

At night we watched the first 2 episodes of Moonstone which is serialised this week on BBC1 daytime 2:15 .  An excellent production with John Thomson (of  Cold Feet fame) as the detective.

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