My sister Neus

Another back blip from my trip to Barcelona with Scott in September.

That day we went for a walk in the morning and then we met a friend of mine for lunch. A reasonably priced local restaurant with lovely food. She then took us for a tour of the back of one of the Gaudi buildings seen from the terrace of a large store. I am from Barcelona but I hadn't seen that side of the building before!

In the evening there was an open mic session at my sisters' bar so we went there. The session was really good and we enjoyed it greatly, and no, I didn't go out and play or sing. It was a surprise to see my sister Neus, who had just landed in Barcelona from her holidays in Formentera as I hadn't expected to see her that night. I took many pictures of the open mic session but I decided to blip her instead.

A bit of a late night but we had a great time.

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