Out of the Frying Pan

..... and Into the Fire.

A day of contrasts.  The weather was glorious and sunny.  Colder but it's November, so it should be!  A great contrast to the dull, grey weather of yesterday.  Diminutive Colchicum cupanii in a raised bed outside was a pleasant sight while in the frames the crocus are still in scintillating form - see extras.

I am on a short break in Birmingham after Ruth had a double meltdown  over the last couple of days.  It's a testament to the team at QAC that by the time I arrived she had had a good day.  Effective care and input from several folk helped reassure her.  She's on a new course, Health and Social Care, she's got her new timetable, she's got one-to one support for a while at least mostly from people she already knows and who understand her.  Sorted!

BUT .... at home Amy's school were dropping a bombshell.  A message on the phone tells us Amy cannot attend school again in her wheelchair.  As we have no idea how long she will need it - could be months or longer - that means no school.  She has loved her time at this school, a specialist provision for children presenting with autistic traits.  The thought of another potentially long period at home, isolated from other young people is appalling.  It's desperate for her and life limiting for us.  

One step forwards, one giant leap backwards :-(

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