Dr Jones

By jones

Jet lag perhaps ?

Today was a cold day but nice and sunny. I worked from home until 11am and then went to work for a few hours. Penny went to Lily's after school but she called me before she left to say that she had received her grade for the Spanish GCSE oral exam she had a couple of weeks ago. She got an A grade. She was very happy as the exam had taken place the day after she' d returned from her D of E expedition and she felt that she had not prepared enough. 
Bibi came home from school and was very tired. I found her fast asleep on her bed around 5pm. I left her for a little while. Perhaps the jet lag has kicked in. 
Penny came home from Lily's on the train and I went to pick her up from the station. She hadn't taken a coat and was shivering.

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