Familiar River Scene

Ducks hoping to be fed and the Cantabrigian's rowing practise over as the boat is lifted from the water and stowed away. This is a town club and was started in 1950 as a club for the Cambridgeshire High School For Boys and now providing rowing classes for local schools, girls also included. I attended the High School For Girls but we were not invited to join the club. We had needlework, cookery and domestic science clubs ! I did once win a prize for making gingerbread, amazing really as I threw everything together in the tin and shoved it in the oven !  A report in our local newspaper says that early morning student rowers  are causing 'peak congestion' on the Cam, leading to delays of up to one hour for other river users.They go early before lectures. Rush Hour On The River ! A nice day again with a lovely sunset but rather cold. I'm wondering where 'other river users' are going that early, surely not rowing to work !

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