Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

'We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo - How about you, you, you......'

Yes - No holiday to Frankfurt is complete without a visit to the Zoo. Frankfurt Zoo is lovely. A really relaxing and totally laid back place with lots of open spaces and very animal friendly spacious houses. It is very open and the animals all seem very near to you. Favourites are always the Baboon colonies, the Giraffes, Gorillas, Apes, and of course the exotic fish and deadly reptiles (especially the terrifying Green Mamba and Brown Spitting Cobra).....brrrrr......

It was hard to choose a picture today as I was experimenting with different ISO settings and aperture/speed combinations. On the whole - I did not achieve what I wanted but perhaps was a little lucky with this particular shot of a friendly penguin who seemed to take a liking to me and what I was trying to do. So - it is the penguin who we should thank!

Some of the pix of the octopus, moray eel and creepy bugs also came a close second. They are too scary to display though !!

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