Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Somebody's having fun on Bassenthwaite

Stopped off at Bassenthwaite earlier on the way home so Bonnie could have a paddle and in the distance saw these children in canoes or perhaps they were kayaks, having lots of fun. I had planned on blipping Skiddaw from the lake as there was lots of low cloud around but it made a very dull shot!

I was in Thirlmere earlier and was hoping to take Bonnie for a little walk in the area before I left but it was raining cats and dogs the whole time we were there but by the time we got to Keswick it had more or less cleared up.

I'm a bit behind in commenting as have a business review meeting at head office on Tuesday and have to produce lots of information which I am busy getting together and is proving to be extremely time consuming!

Can you spot Bonnie by the lake? Oh and a big thank you to the dog who left his tennis ball behind as Bonnie had lots of fun with it, well that is until I threw it in too deep and she couldn't get it, whoops!

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