A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Going dark

I've been patient before daubing this colour in many random places around the living room. We're getting close to decision point so today I have been dab happy with my paintbrush. The value of putting it all over the room was proved when Anna thought they were three different colours. At least she liked one of them but her view of the living room may be a little restricted. It's a bit of a gamble but I'm feeling bold. I'm hoping it has worn off a little by Friday. I have a haircut booked.

An okay, normalish Saturday. Morning at the RCM with Anna getting a decent amount of work done in between roadying and snack buying. Home for some family doubles table tennis. Anna to dancing. Albi walk. Jackson and Carl watching football. And now a cosy evening in front of a fire and getting back into Suits.

Lesley x

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