
By cowgirl

Alex's 3rd birthday

Actually it was last Thursday, but as I was working I didn't have time to make his cake until today ( plus his present only arrived at my house this morning, which was a t-shirt and hat + scarf set with tractors on them ).

The cake was christened ' Hemp Hill ' ( Alex's family name! ). The cake was much admired. The 'grass' and 'soil' were discussed by the adults, but it was Alex himself who refered to the Smarties as seeds! Too smart for a 3 year old!

As you can see from the shot of Alex covering his ears, our rendition of " Happy Birthday " might not qualify us for choir of the year! Actually we hadn't started singing yet, this is a sign that's he's tired. He's still on BST, so wakes up at 5am, ready for breakfast, which his mum has to get up and provide for him. Funnily enough though, once he saw what was inside the cake, he woke up!

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