High Tea with Altitude!

What can I say, I'm absolutely gobsmacked.  We have just had the most astonishing High Tea to raise funds for the Eureka Climb.  At the end of the day we had raised a total of $2,800 and we are now sitting at this very moment on a total of $6,671.  It was an unbelievable result and I can't thank everyone enough for their most heartwarming response.

This image of the amazing team at the Govetts Cafe and Wine Bar in Blackheath really sums up the day.  From Left to Right, Pierra, Kerry Bec and Alex were just wonderful and you can see they were really getting into the spirit of what the afternoon was all about.  I just loved the sign and believe me the friends who attended the High Tea, certainly showed us their money.  From the first moment that we asked Pierra and Kerry if they would be willing to host the fundraiser we received nothing but wholehearted support.  We are so lucky to live in such a generous and big hearted community.  Thanks so much to the Govetts Cafe team, you made it all possible.

I have added an image of our wonderful friend Marg.  Marg and Jim were so pleased that they could make it this afternoon and brought along a magnificent box of fruit for us to auction.  The $130 we raised was just the icing on the cake.

It's been a big day and it's been great to share it with CCN and Jensphotos and of course Hamish and Poppy.  We're just going to relax now and sit in front of the fire for a while and reminisce on a wonderful day.

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